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Everyone who wants to learn Blender should try out Blenderguru’s Donut tutorial on YouTube! It’s… (Thu, 25 Jul 2024)
mspoodle1: Everyone who wants to learn Blender should try out Blenderguru’s Donut tutorial on YouTube! It’s great to get a good overview of the most used features, and it’s fun too! I did the tutorial for Blender 3.0 back in 2022, but I’ve been meaning to also do the tutorial for Blender 4.0 as a refresher, as I’m a bit rusty when it comes to lighting, animating, and rendering especially. I couldn’t find an image of my donut from back then, so I just hit the render button on the old Blender files I still had and this came out (see, I do need a refresher). I had lots of fun with the sprinkles. The tutorial teaches you how to make the elongated sprinkles. I used the same method to add stars and hearts. The personalization of the donut is the most fun part!
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Some resources to understand DXT compression: (Wed, 24 Jul 2024)
thornowl: elvgreen: tips for 4t3 converters/CAS clothing creators 3 main things: non-recolorable presets DDS. settings Adult to Teen conversions disclaimer: i’m not a CC expert, but these are things i’ve noticed and learned these last couple months converting cc. special thanks to thornowl and the other converters in the TS3 Creators Cave discord. Keep reading “thornowl and other converters” implies i have ever converted a single piece of cc. lol I wanted to add an explanation of what mipmaps are and why texture sizes matter: Documentation – Arm Developer If you’ve messed with graphics rules for SimDetail, you might’ve noticed that texture settings are defined like (2048, 1024, 512, 128). The four values are for 4 LODs: LOD0 (the most detailed), LOD1, LOD2, LOD3. As you zoom out, the game loads a mesh with less details and a smaller size mipmap. Each value is the maximum allowed size for a composite texture for the entire sim, including their face, body, clothes, hair and accessories. Clothes (combines with skintones and overlay accessories like socks) get half of that texture, so at 2048px total (Very High Sim Detail) that would mean that the game is using the full 1024px clothing texture (to see 2048px clothing textures that are only found in CC, you have to edit GraphicsRules to make the maximum composite size 4096px). Meshed accessories get even less texture space real estate, so it’s pointless to give them more than 512px. How many mipmaps are in a texture file depends on its original size. For 32x32px textures, it’s 6: 32px, 16px, 8px, 4px, 2px, 1px. For 1024px, it’s 11: 1024px, 512px, 256px, 128px, 64px, 32px.. etc A rendering engine typically keeps all mipmaps stored in memory for quick access whenever it needs to swap LODs. In a normal game, that would be your GPU’s memory, specifically meant for graphics, but Sims 3 actually keeps a lot of its graphics data in regular RAM. If you’ve been playing the game for a while, you probably just cringed because you know how many issues are caused by the 4 gb RAM limit, from crashes to save corruption, and, yeah, larger textures contribute to those problems by taking up more memory. It also affects loading times in general, of course: from launching the game to changing outfits in live mode (if you’ve noticed lag whenever a sim changes outfits, it’s because the game is generating a new composite texture out of, idk, 50 multipliers, patterns, overlays etc) So if you can reduce file size of your CC without hurting quality, you should absolutely do that, and that includes using smaller textures when possible. If you aren’t even using a normal map (skill issue btw), use a blank 32px (1kb) texture instead of a blank 1024px (5mb) texture that keeps the same amount of information at 5000x larger file size. And no matter what kind of CC you make, use as much UV space as possible to avoid using higher texture resolutions. Some resources to understand DXT compression: DXT Compression Explained Why games use DDS S3 Texture Compression Depending on the DirectX version, different DDS formats are supported. For DirectX 9, which Sims 3 uses, only the compressed formats ranging from DXT 1-5 are available. For Sims 3, mostly DXT1 (BC1), and DXT5 (BC3) are used, sometimes also DXT3 (BC2) if you do not need many transitional grey colors in the alpha. With DirectX 10 and 11, new and improved formats (BC4 to BC7) have been added that offer much better quality, but TS3 sadly cannot make use of them due to being a DirectX 9 game. You can use different texture sizes in one project! You can mix and match texture sizes, I tried that for clothing CC. For example, if you want to have a specular to create a shiny button or something like that, you can often get away with making it half the size of your multiplier. This is especially good if your multiplier is 2048px which is a lot (and should be avoided when possible), and to have smaller specular and mask files will help a lot to reduce the load on the memory. You can always try it out on a case-by-case basis if it works well or not. I usually have the normal map in the same size as the multiplier just because they often need that extra detail (this is for when you actually have detail in the normal map), but you can also experiment with making those smaller as well if you want. Edit your UV maps! IMO, one of the best skills a converter can learn is to edit UV maps. Look, we are playing The Sims 3 for a reason. If we want Sims 4 clothes that work like Sims 4 clothes, we could just play Sims 4. Sims 3 has this awesome pattern system, so let’s try to properly support it because that is a huge strength of the game and such a wasted opportunity to not at least try to make the CC work with it as best as it can. This also means paying attention to potential UV stretching and disruptions of the pattern that can be fixed by rotating and stitching some UV pieces together. To avoid having to use 2048px textures for those tiny squished Sims 4 UV maps, you can scale them up and then scale the textures up too. if they are just a little bigger there is usually not much quality loss, but you can also use an image upscaler like Gigapixel AI that will enhance the quality while making the texture bigger. I usually upscale the textures 2x or 4x and then reduce the size to what I need. This makes the textures appear nice and crisp. Create original CC Back when TS4 was not yet released, most people who wanted to make CC actually learned how to make meshes using different Sims 3 meshes and editing them and creating mashups known as frankenmeshes, then eventually meshed portions of it themselves or used Marvelous Designer to create the clothes. Blender has come a long way since then and it is packed full of super helpful features. And there are loads of tutorials for Blender now (15 years ago, you were lucky to find anything decent). Also, we can now use Sims 4’s meshes along with Sims 3’s meshes to create new mashup, and use Blender to customize everything from the base mesh itself to bones and morphs. The possibilities are endless. I really wish we had more original creators in our community. It is such a great feeling to make something that you dreamed up yourself. Maybe just try it? Ask for help/share what you are struggling with I’ve been known to help out whenever I can if you have specific questions about a project. If you feel like you cannot find the resources you need to learn or feel stuck, let the community know! Maybe someone knows a tutorial, or someone with knowledge can write one knowing there is a gap there. Since more experienced creators have not been in your shoes for a while, we may not know of all current beginner tutorials or if there is a lack of them. But if we know what areas need work, we may be able to help! And we can also help with specific issues. I recommend joining the TS3 Creator’s Cave Discord to find resources, help, and advice. Keep up with Software Also, software changes and tutorials have to change too. It is still possible to mesh using the old ways, but a lot of tasks are easier with newer strategies. It is a good idea to keep yourself informed about tool updates and to go with the updates if possible to keep up with the newest developments. Especially Blender has added tons of new features these last few years and it is vastly different than a few years ago. A lot of changes are more convenient than sticking to the old ways in the long run!
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This is really helpful, thank you so much! The many pictures really help to show how much impact the… (Wed, 24 Jul 2024)
simdreams: Make a Sim with Simdreams in 21 easy steps! You’ll need: - The Sims 3; - Mastercontroller + Integration module (so you can allow endless custom sliders, amplify their range and also to enable multiple makeup. Do this: select Master Controller < Settings < CAS and set Multiple Makeup Per Location and Show Numeric Slider Value to True, Slider Multiple: Facial to whatever you like - mine is set to 4 - and Max Sliders in Cas to 300) ); - A shitton of custom sliders (get it from Simtanico, OneEuroMutt, ModTheSims, or just google “sims 3 slider folder” to download somebody else’s CC mess); - A shitton of custom eyebrows; - A shitton of custom makeup (optional); - Some knowledge of what is a proportional human face: the ideal distance between two eyes is equal to an eye’s length; the corners of the mouth usually align with the irises; the ideal nose width is usually the same as the space between the eyes… So you can break this “ideal” proportions when you need a different look. So, our poor girl is a sim from the bin. I usually pick sims from the bin, just changed her hair for something that would let me see her whole face. I tried generating random sims for this, but they looked off, maybe because my body and face sliders range are different… I ALWAYS start with this: make Head Size a bit smaller (with a face slider multiplier of 4, my values for this are around -70 to -90) so the sims look less cartoonish and then add a bit (~ 40) of smoothfaceNormals. This one is completely optional but makes the shadows on sims faces less dramatic and I like it. I immediately fixed her Upper Eyelids. Poor girl. Now we can see her eye shape is actually nice! Another mandatory step in my sim-making book: Change Eyelid Width and Lenght to make eyes smaller. EA sims have very big eyes in comparison to more realistic proportions. Time to fix her nose. Bring her Nose Height down. I usually change Mouth Curve because EA Sims have these stupid smiling mouths, so I pull the slider until I’m satisfied and she has a neutral look. Her profile is actually nice, but I decided to change her chin and make it taller with Chin Height + Chin Bone Height. A subtle change, but I liked it. Back to her face. Let’s change her mouth with the EA bottom lip sliders, mainly the width one. I prefer larger mouths as I think small ones can look very cartoonish, but ultra large plump lips are weird too. I think this sim has a nice mouth, all it took was some adjustments. Recently I found this Thorns Tiny Lips slider, that makes the mouth proportionally smaller and when pulled up just a little bit can reduce a large mouth without affecting the lips (I can’t find a download link for this one for the life of me). I added some Bridge Width because it looked like the nose tip was a bit too large for it, but proportional with the rest of the face. Then I played a bit with the nostrils. I have a ton of nose sliders and I make minor tweaks to different aspects. I used Upper Flare, Nose Tweak, Smaller Nostrils (T-E) and Septum Width. Back to the eyes. I changed her eyebrows, which IMO are one of the most essential face aspects. Brows can look completely different and give a sim an entire new look! I just picked these ones randomly, for a very normal look. Also, changed Eye Socket Height to give her some eyelid space. Changed her mouth again for a more even upper lip/lower lip balance. Changed Mouth Definition and Fat Upper Lip Slider I also use this Mouth Corners Width to make a mouth look smaller. That’s it for the face. Get ready for MAKEUP!!!! Our first stop: A NOSEMASK. This is really a personal take on sims style, but I like how they give a bit more realism to the sim. I ALWAYS lower the opacity, tho. That’s the big makeup trick: layers and low opacity (You DID change your mastercontroller configs to allow multiple makeup, right?) Eyeshadow: a basic eyeshadow with brown tones to give some depth and Wundersims’ eyebags (notice the opacity) Blushes to give a nicer face texture. Tifa’s are the BEST ONES - no wonder why I backed up 99% of her files when her site went kaput. I layered Tifa’s blush with Simplykitsch’s highlighter. Lips: a combo of SLS lipgloss in its full opacity + simtanico’s lip definition I. Lips can change your sim mouth shape! You see how her lips look smaller now? I LOVE custom contacts, so I changed her eyes. Also felt like making her irises smaller, again, for a less cartoony look. I also felt like her face features were a tad too small for her face structure, so I changed a bit of her face. I can’t guide you here, because I had no idea what I’m doing, just playing with my cheek sliders and praying it would look nice. I think I used the Cheek Width one. As is the case with noses, I just have a lot of face sliders and I don’t know exactly what they do, so it’s a bit of trial and error and checking her face for the front and side views to make sure I didn’t effed the bone structure up. Last one. Made her chin smaller with Chin Scale and Chin Width and that’s it!!! So, you liked her? Well. Have a base sim. No cc included. She might look different with your default skin and contacts, and she WILL look different in case you don’t have the same sliders, I guess. Nonetheless, have it here. This is really helpful, thank you so much! The many pictures really help to show how much impact the changes have (most are very subtle, but have a big effect in the end, interesting how that works!) I also never dared to increase the slider limit beyond 2, maybe it’s time to be bold and crank it up! Thanks for the CC mentions/recommendations too! Downloading some stuff right now…
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After seeing this beautiful (infamous?) Vrg Grl crochet dress with strong 70&rsquo;s vibes that everyone&hellip; (Wed, 24 Jul 2024)
After seeing this beautiful (infamous?) Vrg Grl crochet dress with strong 70’s vibes that everyone seemed to want to crochet for themselves after Taylor Swift wore it recently, I wanted to turn the fabric into a pattern. And voilà! It’s perfect as a beach cover-up dress, right? The outfit is from the Ambitions EP if memory serves me right. Doesn’t look too shabby, does it?
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That&hellip; is amazing! So the secret is blending presets which I did not know existed for 15 years?&hellip; (Tue, 23 Jul 2024)
papermint-airplane: Fuckin around in CAS for funsies I got…this randomly generated as a base. Boy the game sure likes giving me a challenge, huh? Let’s just go ahead and change all of the features. All of them. Every last single one. I mostly just blended what was already there with a bunch of different presets (you can right click presets in CAS to blend them with existing features if you didn’t know) except for the head shape. Those parentheses ass lookin cheeks had to go. Change the eyebrows… Sacrifice a goat to the Demon Lord by the light of the full moon, and there we go! Easy peasy! That… is amazing! So the secret is blending presets which I did not know existed for 15 years? Here I am wondering why I suck at making sims and seem to not know some truths that are probably so obvious to everyone else that they are never mentioned (except now, thank you, @papermint-airplane!) I have been using the same sims for more than a decade I tried editing and fixing them multiple times too, but it doesn’t seem to really work without making them unrecognizable or making them more uncanny. I think the custom sliders on randomize really mess up proportions like head size badly and it’s not easy to spot what’s wrong and how to fix it. And I feel like the head proportions are off on normal sims too, or is this just me? Maybe I use the wrong sliders that mess everything up, like head shape and size sliders? Is there a basic routine to make realistically proportioned sims? Step by step? Someone please link to some tutorials and examples, I feel like there is a tutorial for everything now, but how to properly use custom sliders and make sims that look proportional is this well-kept secret for now reason
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Sammy&rsquo;s Shirt, Maria&rsquo;s Skirt, and Bea&rsquo;s Heels - Sims 3 Clothes (Sat, 20 Jul 2024)
quizicalgin: My first “easy” project to get back into the swing of things wasn’t working out so well, so I do what any simmer does. Immediately hop to the next project until I can make it work. Unfortunately for me, it ended up becoming a small daisy chain of projects, since once I made the skirt there were no shirts I had that I liked to go with it, then there weren’t any shoes I liked, and well here we… Sammy’s Shirt, Maria’s Skirt, and Bea’s Heels - Sims 3 Clothes
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Happy Birthday! (Sat, 20 Jul 2024)
simblrcc-site: is officially 1 year old! Hey everyone! Today hits a special milestone for! It’s first anniversary! We’ve really come a long way together! Since building a website isn’t just about putting out a pretty page, but also the need of a community :) And I’m really grateful for the ones that stuck around or even given it a try! (I would’ve tagged you all but tumblr has a limit apparently lol) How far have we come so far? Currently, we got: 22k monthly views (And growing!) 2068 posts (Of which: 1821 mods, 18 wips, 54 stories, 12 tutorials, 120 showcases!) 515 members! 167 projects 81 Characters made! … and 2 deadsite projects! The Top 10 Downloads (Per Creator) are…: Zeti_reticuli’s 40 New Face presets Pack @monocodoll Vile Ventures (NSFW) @greenplumbboblover ’s Bus Manager @phoebejaysims’s Cheerleader Mod @olomaya’s Get Pumped! @ameriko-steelie’s TS3 Adult to Teen Conversion Pack: Part 2 @shibarulata’s 4t2’s Faaeish Eyebrow pack @catherinetcjd’s LotCatalog Refresh Project ~ a complete Lot Bin overhaul @simsdeogloria’s 4t3 Charly Pancakes SMOL @bellakenobi’s Shining Nikki’s Rosebud hair However, that’s not to mean that those are the only cool creators on the site, so definitely give the Mods page a check! :) I promise, you’ll find some shinies for your game! ——————————– What’s to come? Quite a lot, honestly! Hopefully before the next anniversary it can finally run on ads, to pay the cost of the website! And of course, hopefully we can add Paralives, Vivaland, Inzoi, To Pixelia, and The sims 5/project Rene(?) to add to the site :) But regarding ✨features… ✨ We’ll get: A new rebranding of the site! (See the Discord for sneak peeks ) A better Stories integration that isn’t depending on chapters. Uploading from the feed page (just like tumblr). Auto Tumblr reblog system (Hence why the blog is a bit dead right now ) And much more…! (I just need to come up with them, lol). But… Most of all… Thank you all for making this such an amazing journey :) To another year! Happy Birthday!
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If you need creative inspiration, check out all of @murfeelee&rsquo;s magnificent avian fashionista sims! (Tue, 16 Jul 2024)
murfeelee: Birds Steal Their Look Pt6: Japanese Birds I was inspired by this thread started by tenderanarchist here to turn my TS3 sims into avian fashionistas. Japanese Birds: Crested Ibis, Fairy Pitta, Green Pheasant, Japanese White Eye, Ryuku Robin, Steller’s Sea Eagle MY THOUGHTS & CC CREDITS Keep reading If you need creative inspiration, check out all of @murfeelee’s magnificent avian fashionista sims!
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Thank you for this lovely conversion! I&rsquo;m honored that you chose one of my patterns to show it off (Sat, 13 Jul 2024)
mspoodle1: 4to3 conversion of HFO Basic Shirt Dress by Mspoodle Original found here by @ice-creamforbreakfast. Thank you Alexandra! 4 color channels yf/af all lods and morphs vertices - 3037 polygons - 4786 1 preset with thumbnail everyday, formal, career, Makeover, valid for maternity, not valid for random Downloads: SimFileShare - credit - @simlicious you can get the floral pattern here. Poses by @tau1tvec. Thank you for this lovely conversion! I’m honored that you chose one of my patterns to show it off I applaud you for showing checkered patterns on the dress so we can see how patterns will tile. I wish more people would do that!
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THE SIMS 3 TUTORIAL (Wed, 10 Jul 2024)
thebleedingwoodland: THE SIMS 3 TUTORIAL HOW TO CREATE DEFAULT REPLACEMENT MOD USING CUSTOM MESH & TEXTURE FOR SIMPLE OBJECT ⚠️ Tumblr has 30 pictures limit, so I cannot include too many pictures. If you want to zoom in the pictures, click the pictures to enlarge, or save the pictures into your PC, zoom the pictures on picture viewer or zoom in the pictures on your mobile phone. ⚠️ —————————————————- I create this tutorial to make easier to follow because there are older tutorials available before but scattered on internet and usually only say “Export to replace s3asc” without explaining how to export the edited object properly. My method is using TSR Workshop instead of exporting the object using Sims 3 Object Export/Import plug in because exporting to replace the s3asc using that plug in always giving error notification “ERR: Model has 1 groups; original had 0” and cannot be exported. For beginners who are very new using s3pe and haven’t created default replacement mod before, better start from simple object first. Simple objects I mean in-game object that has single MODL and single texture with no morphs, no GeoStates, no presets, no CAS colour channels, and easily cloned from OBJD on catalogue. Usually as utensils that Sims holding in their hand, not buy/build objects. For example: Pencil, pan, fork, spoon. —————————————————- Tools to prepare: s3oc s3pe Milkshape 3D for bone assignment (Version I use 1.8.5 beta, discontinued by its developer, therefore feel free to download the full version with its license key provided). Sims 3 Object Export/Import 1.01 by Wesley Howe (Milkshape plug-in. Download msS3ObjPluginsV101.rar )  TSR Workshop (Older version for TS3 only version 2.0.88) TSR Workshop plug-ins for export.import TSRW Object. 3D Program (Blender/Maya/3dsMax) Editing images software (Photoshop, make sure you have to install .dds plugin by Nvidia. For free software alternative, you can use GIMP with its .dds plugin) This tutorial will not teach you how to: Meshing object ❌ Create alpha texture ❌ Change thumbnails in-game ❌ Install programs and plug-ins ❌ This is how I created Chinese chopsticks replacement mod using custom mesh and texture. In summary, this tutorial has 10 steps: Step 1. Clone the Object using s3oc Step 2. Open S3PE to Copy the Original Resource Code and Export the Files Step 3. Export the Original Mesh as Base Mesh to .obj format Step 4. Create Your Custom Mesh Step 5. Bone Assignment & Create Group Step 6. Create custom Texture Step 7. Import the .wso of Edited Mesh on TSR Workshop & Export the package Step 8. Export MODL file from Package saved from TSR Workshop Step 9. Finalizing in s3pe & Replacing the Original file with Edited File & Correcting the Code As Same As Default Code Step 10. Test the CC in your game. ———————————– ✳️ Step 1. Clone the Object using s3oc Before cloning the object, check the Game Folder for in-game object file location. Settings > Game Folders… Take a look if the Base Game or Expansion Pack for object file you want to clone is in the right folder. For example, my The Sims 3 game are all bought from Steam, so the location is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\The Sims 3 If you want to clone object from Expansion Pack, make sure input the folder location. For example, the location for World Adventures EP is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\The Sims 3\EP1 If you are done, close the pop-up box. You can continue click Cloning then choose Normal Object… Wait until you get the whole catalogue. Click Search… For example, I clone object from World Adventures Expansion Pack. You can clone object from Base Game or other Expansion Packs as long it is considered as “utensil” that Sim holding on hand. For example: “Pencil” or “Pan” Search for text: chopsticks or if you want to clone object from Base Game, search: utensil Tick check marks for Resource Name, Object Name, Object Desc then click “Search button” Search result gives you results with name “chopsticks”. Here is the object we are looking for: UtensilChopsticks We need the OBJD file to clone. OBJD = Object Data. Click “Clone or Fix” at the right bottom. Then you see the next page to determine if you want to clone with renumber or not. If you want to make default replacement, then do not check the Renumber box. Keep it blank. Tick check box means the s3oc will generate new resource code for new item. Not tick the check means the s3oc will overwrite the same resource code, it is to replace object you cloned in-game. I am personally a detailed person, so I usually tick as many as I want: tick “Deep clone” “Missing String Tables” and “Include Thumbnail” to include more details. Then click “Start” to proceed. It will give you file name [CreatorName]_ObjectName_Number Then save your package file in “DBPF Package” format in your project folder. Always make folder for any file to make everything organized. ✳️ Step 2. Open S3PE to Copy the Original Resource Code and Export the Files Open S3pe, locate your package file you cloned from s3oc. Find the MODL of Utensil Chopsticks, Right-Click, “Details…” On Resource Details, click “Copy TGI” to copy the Resource Code. Type, Group, and Instance will automatically be copied on clipboard. Then open Notepad, Right-Click to “Paste”. Click GRID on bottom of the s3pe (I mark it red on picture), it will give you pop-up box with Data Grid. Click “Resources”, it will be highlight blue and there’s 3 dots button appeared on the right side. Click the 3 dots button. It will give you TGI Block List Editor. Inside MODL’s TGI Block List Editor only has IMG. You may wondering why, but that’s how the game coded. Type, Group, Instance of _IMG inside TGI Block List Editor should be the same as _IMG on the package. Copy the TGI, Group, Instance to your Notepad. After you copied code of MODL, do the same for the texture image (_IMG), but only copy the code from Resource Details. You cannot edit TGI Block List Editor for _IMG as the Grid button for _IMG is greyed out. The main task is the code of your edited mesh and texture should be the same as the code you copied now from original package you cloned with s3oc. Keep the code on notepad. You will need this code later. Export the MODL file. Right-Click, “Export to s3asc”. The file appears in long string such with name for example: S3_01661233_08000001_B619DB2238C3430B%%+MODL_filebase Do not rename the file. Save. Export the texture file. Right-Click “Export > To File…” The file will be saved in .dds format. Do not rename the file. Save. ✳️ Step 3. Export the Original Mesh as Base Mesh to .obj format Open Milkshape. Import the s3asc file you saved before. More steps click spoiler tag “Read More / Keep Reading” below Keep reading
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How to change debug lights&rsquo; color/intensity/etc. (Tue, 09 Jul 2024)
papermint-airplane: How to change debug lights’ color/intensity/etc. For @eljeebee When you’re in buy mode, hold down ctrl and shift and then click the light you want to change. You can also turn them on and off, make them into black lights, link them to specific triggers if you have World Adventures installed (it’s like how it works in tombs where you stick your hand in a hole and are able to reveal a hidden door…you can stick your hand in a hole and have the lights turn on super bright or something), and a whole bunch of other crap depending on what mods you have installed. But this is how I make invisible lights change colors and brightness. Keep in mind, since these lights are invisible in live mode, you’ll have to go into buy mode in order to change them. Ctrl+shift+click actually does a lot of things to a lot of objects in the game. Try it out and see what shenanigans you can get up to!
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FYI (Sun, 07 Jul 2024)
My hands/arms have been acting up getting sore and hurting, maybe all the hours I put in lately to get the pattern collection out have just been too much. It hasn’t been like that for a long time, and to avoid further problems I really have to be careful to not use the mouse and keyboard too much. I want to answer all your comments on my pattern collection properly, but at the moment I don’t dare to! Just know that I read all of them and really appreciate them, and all the reblogs too!
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Thank You (Fri, 05 Jul 2024)
I’m so happy about the overwhelmingly positive response to my African Ankara Fabrics pattern collection post! Thank you for all your reblogs, likes, and kind comments. I want to recap a bit and talk about my process and the struggles that led me to this moment. This was such a tough collection to publish, for several reasons. Picking the Patterns I made a lot of different kinds of fabric patterns and felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount and how I would fit all of them into one collection. Then there were designs that I couldn’t get happy with and tweaked over and over. Something felt off about them even though they were done right. I finally made the decision to remove them for now and only focus on including patterns I felt good and confident about. Since there are different techniques used to make African fabrics, I decided to split my collection by type. I plan on having a wax print, batik, and mudcloth collection (though I am not making any promises because they will just give me anxiety and guilt for not meeting them). Creating the download overview graphic I had a hard time envisioning an overview graphic for these patterns. I started several attempts but they were not “it”. I put off even working on the preview, which led to more anxiety and guilt. Initially, I wanted to post my collection in June, but time ticked relentlessly by. I created even more patterns to distract myself which meant I had to abandon my overview graphic WIP because now I had even more patterns to fit into those frames. Maybe because I thought I had already failed, it got easier to pick up the work in July, but I still had the problem that displaying all the patterns in different directions and sizes just did not look aesthetically pleasing and it was hard to focus and take in the individual designs. While talking about my struggles with my boyfriend, the solution presented itself: I would use only one thumbnail in the preview instead of showing all sizes and orientations. Since I always include the individual preview thumbnails for each pattern in my downloads anyway, I felt this was okay to do. You can still see all the individual designs and it is easier to grasp what designs are included, plus it is less work for me because I was able to reduce three images to one and also only had to puzzle 19 thumbnails into their frames instead of 69! That also made it possible to space out the patterns more to give each of them a bit more individual room to shine. I went with an unusual ultra-realistic design which was a bold move and in my mind would definitely stand out between all the cartoony previews I see a lot these days. I did not exactly plan this design, but it just evolved into that, as my previews often do. I just tweak colors, fonts, and textures until I see something I like. What do you think about the realistic design and the choice to only display each pattern once? In-game previews I know, I have my same-old sims presenting my patterns in the same old way. I do want to spice things up in my in-game previews as well, but I had a choice to make, spend another month or two revamping my game, trying to add new sims, new styles, and all that only to get lost in the process, or JUST RELEASE THIS COLLECTION ALREADY. Also…I actually think YOU can style my patterns better! I would really love to see your take on styling, recoloring, and applying my patterns in your games. Simply @ me if you do so I can reblog your pics and show everyone your styling and decorating skills!
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African Ankara Fabrics Pattern Collection (Wed, 03 Jul 2024)
A long time in the making, here is my first installment of African fabric patterns! Ankara fabrics are wax print fabrics, known for their vibrant colors and bold abstract and geometric designs. You will get: 69 patterns for the Sims 3 in different sizes and directions, 19 individual designs (shown in the preview) all patterns are properly recolorable! all patterns tile seamlessly, of course the designs are not my own, I found most fabrics via image searches on Google and Pinterest and converted them to seamlessly tiling patterns Download from my website Thank you for leaving a tip! Short TOU: You can include my patterns with your CC if you give credit (a link back to the download page and a mention of Simlicious). Please do not reupload for sharing purposes, do not paywall or make money off of my CC.
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Just a normal day in The Sims… (Tue, 02 Jul 2024)
Just a normal day in The Sims…
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Source: kibrit_skatecat (Sun, 30 Jun 2024)
meowsfeed: Source: kibrit_skatecat
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Not-a-tutorial - Lighting (Advanced) (Sun, 30 Jun 2024)
greenplumbboblover: Not-a-tutorial - Lighting (Advanced) Previous parts: Not-a-Tutorial - Lighting (Basics) Not-a-Tutorial - Lighting (Basics - Indoor) Intention: While dialogues and body language can say a whole lot on what you’re trying to tell to the reader, lights can as well! Here’s a great example: (Left is with the lights on, right is with the lights off). As you can see, the left one feels much more like it’s… let’s say, a winter-y 6pm, and she’s studying in the library… Whereas on the right, it feels much more like she’s skipping on sleep, and it’s 3am, studying. Keep reading
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Come hang out :) (Sun, 30 Jun 2024)
mathmodder: LIVE NOW!!!!! Configuring the Enhanced Lighting Mod for The Sims 3 + Update Release after! Join me for a live session where I’ll be configuring my Enhanced Lightning mod for The Sims 3! I’ll walk you through the entire process of tweaking and improving the game’s lightining to make it even more stunning. Plus, we’ll have a casual chat about tips, tricks, and any other questions you might have about The Sims 3. At the end of the live, I’ll be releasing the mod update for everyone! Don’t miss out! Come hang out :)
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Hi! I don’t know if you take wcifs but in case you do, are the jeans the sim on the far left is wearing made by EA or are they cc? If they’re cc, where can I download them? (Sat, 29 Jun 2024)
Hello! I don't mind answering WCIFs so long as they are not unreasonable (like a whole list or something ) The jeans are a conversion by @rollo-rolls of the Love Me Right Cropped Skinnies by Trillyke. I love these especially because they have 3 recolorable areas (even the button, yay) You can find the download here.
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Stop! New comic on Tapas. (Fri, 28 Jun 2024)
cassandracalin: Stop! New comic on Tapas. Read here
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